Once you have applied to 赌钱app可以微信提现, attend 新生迎新.
入学培训可以在网上或校内完成,需要在注册课程之前完成. 它将通过解释注册步骤并提供赌钱app可以微信提现技术和可用资源的概述来帮助您为第一学期做准备. Once you have completed orientation, 我们建议你与辅导员安排一次会议,帮助你选择适合你的课程.
When to Complete Orientation
- Starting classes in Summer or Fall?
Register for an orientation starting in 3月. - Starting classes in Spring?
Register for an orientation starting in 9月.
Select Your Orientation Format
Orientation can be completed online or on-campus.
在线培训是一个20分钟的视频,您可以按照自己的节奏完成培训, 一天中的任何时间. Start, stop, and rewatch the video as necessary. 访问定向视频并完成所需的路径调查.
Don’t have a computer at home? The online orientation can be completed on a smartphone. 位于2楼的赌钱app可以微信提现学生成功中心也有电脑nd 地板上 of the Student Center.
Live On-Campus Orientation
校园迎新会是现场演示,提供提问和实时回答的机会. Session registration is required. Use the calendar below to select your session.
Looking to connect with other new students? Due to the volume of information covered in this session, 在这个现场演示中,与其他学生互动的机会有限. 相反,在你完成培训并注册课程后, 参加Cav连接. 这个免费的活动是在秋季和春季学期开始之前提供的,它为你提供了一个了解其他新生的机会,同时学习技能,这将有助于你在第一学期和以后取得成功. 在秋季或春季学期开始前的几周内,我们将向您的学生发送此活动的邀请函.
如果你不是美国人.S. 公民,请访问 国际 and Immigrant Student Services 了解更多信息.
新生迎新 (NSO) Q&A
如果您的My赌钱app可以微信提现帐户中的个人入学计划中列出了不完整的新生入学项目, you’ll need to complete orientation. 当所有项目完成后,您的个人入学计划将消失. 如果你不确定,请亲自拜访学生发展专家(SC, 2)nd 地板上) or call 913-469-3803.
If 新生迎新 is not on your Personal Admission Plan, 这不是必须的, but you may find it helpful and you’re welcome to attend.
No; you need a student ID number and your My赌钱app可以微信提现 login information to attend 新生迎新. 应用 for admission to 赌钱app可以微信提现.
Orientation takes about 90 minutes to complete.
注册后,请查看您的邮箱,查看来自 libapps@areopago.net. If you don’t see it in your inbox, check your junk or spam folder. If you still don’t see it, use your stumail to email success@areopago.net 请求确认.
在预定的课程开始之前,欢迎参加校园新生迎新活动, 空间允许. If you arrive at orientation more than 10 minutes late, we ask that you register for a different orientation session.
- Live On-Campus Orientation: generally within 1 hour of the end of the orientation.
- 在线定位: 1个工作日内(不包括周末或节假日).
请准备好您的赌钱app可以微信提现学生号、赌钱app可以微信提现用户名和密码以及带照片的身份证件. Although it’s not required, 你也可以带一个能上网的设备来登录你的My赌钱app可以微信提现(手机或笔记本电脑). 欢迎携带个人笔记本电脑,并可连接赌钱app可以微信提现 Wi-Fi.
You can find your 赌钱app可以微信提现 ID number in one of the following ways:
- 检查你的个人电子邮件账户,看看你的录取邮件(这封邮件有时会在你的垃圾文件夹里找到)。.
- Call the 技术支持 Center at 913-469-8500, ext. 4357.
- Bring your photo ID to a Student Development Specialist on the 2nd 地板上 of the Student Center.
时间和地点的详细信息包含在您注册现场校园迎新后立即收到的电子邮件中. If you can’t locate it, email success@areopago.net 查询详情.
Register for a new session and cancel your previous registration.
NSO is not offered in any other language at this time. 如果你想在一个以会话的速度说英语的环境中理解所有的信息, we recommend you choose the online orientation videos, since you can watch the videos at your own pace, 暂停并重新观看.
如需安排手语翻译或任何便利,请联系 访问服务 at least 48 hours before your scheduled orientation.
No. All orientation options are free.
学生成功中心有电脑供你使用. 如需帮助,请联系学生中心2前台的学生发展专家nd 地板上.
No, but you’ll learn how to become ready to enroll in classes. 新生介绍的主题包括:如何完全被赌钱app可以微信提现录取(个人入学计划), how to be ready for enrollment (placement testing, 咨询), 校园安全, support services and campus involvement. If the orientation ends before these departments close, you can visit with 赌钱app可以微信提现 counselors to choose classes, 学生发展专家可以为如何浏览注册门户网站提供指导.